Chelsea and Westminster Hospital Sensory Trolleys - Premier Solutions Chelsea and Westminster Hospital Sensory Trolleys - Premier Solutions

Chelsea and Westminster Hospital Sensory Trolleys

Chelsea & Westminster Hospital
Sensory Trolleys

Working alongside the London-based design companies Projects Office and Jailmake, we helped design and build two bespoke Sensory Trolleys for the Children’s Ward at the Chelsea & Westminster Hospital, London.

Each Sensory Trolley featured an array an eye-catching visual products, as well as a simple audio system. This included: one Interactive Premier Solutions Colour Column, a 200mm Mirror Ball, Pinspot and Mirror Ball Motor, a Water Projector, a 2m Bamboo Fibre Optic Tail, a bespoke Interactive Infinity Panel along with a simple Bluetooth Audio System.

These two new Sensory Trolleys are designed to help engage ill children whilst in the Sensory Room. The major benefit of a Sensory Trolley is that it can be wheeled from room to room, bringing the Sensory Experience to the children.

If you have a need for a bespoke Sensory Trolley, contact us now to discuss what we can do you for.

For more information regarding this study or if you'd like to request a quote, please contact us.